Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Broken Foot - Part 2

The next morning I went to the doctor, feeling like a bad ass, to find out that I broke the outside metatarsal in my left foot, twice. To top it off I'd stood/danced on it for five hours and it was freakishly swollen. They gave me a "cam boot" so I can walk around and I can even take it off to sleep and shower. Also, I have my mom's crutches from when she broke the same bone in the same foot twenty years ago!

After a semi-serious nap, Chris and I headed out to the Minnesota Zoo to see Devotchka. Side note - if you have will call tickets, they don't get there until 6:30 PM, so you can't get into the zoo like you would with regular tickets. On our way to the the amphitheater I got a beer brat and fries and a Big Ginger. The food and drink was expensive, but good. Luckily, we were seated in row O at the end, so we were at the top of the amphitheater and I didn't have to hobble down the stairs or climb over people.

Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps opened the show. Caroline was super cute and can really belt it out. An older gent in the crowd pointed out to us that her drummer is the drummer from Cloud Cult. We later saw him yell and chase the guy down to ask why Cloud Cult doesn't have any shows scheduled in Minnesota.

The right side of the amphitheater is definitely the side to be seated on. From there you can see the lake behind the stage and it's rather pretty at sunset. This was my second time seeing Devotchka, but my first time seeing them since they put out their last album, 100 Lovers. They played my favorite song, Exhaustible, and the song Chris was most hoping to hear, Enemy Guns.

During their set, a thunderstorm was approaching, so all behind the stage was being lit up by lightning. It was absolutely prefect weather for an outside venue. We left right before the encore so that I wouldn't have to struggle through the crowd on my crutches. A very lovely lady gave us a ride back from the amphitheater on her golf cart so I only had to walk from the zoo to our car. The storm never broke while we at the zoo, but the freeways were flooded and it was madness on the way home.

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