Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Thoughts on Politics

Some things I would like people to think about in the upcoming election:

1) Reducing access to birth control increases the number of unwanted children born. These children would be more likely to be poor, to be victims of neglect and abuse, and to die in infancy. What do you think costs more, the government supporting these unfortunate children or providing access to birth control?

2) Planned parenthood is not all about abortions. Planned parenthood helps families to conceive and raise healthy children. They help to provide prenatal care. They do cancer screenings that catch breast and cervical cancer early and save lives and money.

3) People who receive welfare are not lazy! They are people who are struggling and need help. They are not stereotypes! Welfare provides them the opportunity to advance, so that they can get better jobs and pay back into the system one day.

4) Women make 72% of their white male counterparts, but African American women only make 64% and Hispanic women just 55%. If women received equal pay, I am positive that fewer families would need welfare assistance.

5) Gay marriage would not change your life, unless you're, you know, gay. They just want to be able to see their loved one in the hospital and make critical decisions together. They want to inherit their spouse's belongings and life insurance without paying thousands and thousands of dollar to law firms.

6) Voter ID laws specifically target minorities and elderly. I cannot believe that seniors, some of whom fought in WW2, could potentially by disenfranchised. In person voter fraud is basically unheard of.

7) You cannot pay for a deficit with a 5 trillion dollar tax cut. How can you promise not to raise taxes, but say you will close loop holes to pay for your cut? Would the closure of these loop holes not increase taxes? Can you guarantee that those loop holes won't affect middle class Americans?

I am a woman and a minority. I am not a preexisting condition. I know I am opinionated. I know many of you disagree with things I have said here. My goal is only to share my feelings about issues I am passionate about. I have never been poor. I have never been pregnant. But I believe in an America where we reach out to help those around us.

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